Course Description
Students will learn the basics of web development from the ground up - no prior experience needed. We craft our content with HTML5, give it some style using CSS, and finally make it interactive using JavaScript.
The goal of this class is to gain a solid understanding of the foundational building blocks of web development, and to use those building blocks in different ways. Emphasis is placed on writing clear, concise code that meets current web standards. We will explore different ways of structuring page content and how to write the code to implement it.
Students will work on creating their own personal website and interactive components. The specific projects worked on are decided by the class as a group, and will be something all students can accomplish.
Everything will be coded from scratch using a simple text editor.
No prior programming experience or knowledge is required, or expected - this is a great place to start!
Students will be taught how to code HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using the application, Sublime Text. Although this is a commercial application, it has a liberal evaluation period, and can be used for free for the duration of the class. This is one of the go-to editors for front-end coders.
Students should bring their own laptops to class. Please download and install Sublime Text beforehand!
Students are welcome to use one of our laptops if they are unable to bring their own. Make sure to bring a USB Flash Drive to save your work.