Computer Science Enrichment for Kids and Teens
Academically rich - seriously fun!
Learn the basics of computer programming in an exciting atmosphere designed to foster computational literacy and problem solving skills.
Academically rich - seriously fun!
Learn the basics of computer programming in an exciting atmosphere designed to foster computational literacy and problem solving skills.
Learn Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Game Design, and more in our popular after school and summer classes!
We offer many beginning classes for middle school and high school students where no prior knowledge or experience is required - as well as continuing classes for students with some experience looking to expand their skills.
Mazes are a lot of fun - both to solve, and to create. So when it came time to make a flyer to hand out at events we couldn't pass up the opportunity to write a little code to create some mazes!
Introduce yourself to code with our Java Programming Tutorials - a five lesson introduction to Java that loosely mirrors the topics we cover in our Intro to Java coding class.